Master Intimacy

Make Her Orgasm within 1 Minute

Secret three-step strategy uncovered.

Sheila Rose πŸ–‹οΈ
3 min read2 days ago


Make Her Orgasm within 1 Minute
Photo by zelle duda on Unsplash

Women take 15–30 minutes to orgasm while men take 2 to 7 minutes in normal conditions. It is a good question, How men can make women orgasm within a minute? Is this possible? Yes

I have figured out a three-step strategy for men, if they follow they can make their lady scream with ultimate pleasure and orgasm.

If you are new to sex, then you should know, that pleasure is the sign that a person to moving toward orgasm, when it reaches its extreme that is called orgasm.

After orgasm body goes calm and the person gets a relaxed feeling. To define orgasm more in detail, you will see two indications in her.

1 # When you see her body explode with intense orgasmic pleasure, you will share one of the most erotic and sensual experiences.

2 # She will be a happy woman and want to fulfill your needs and desire to show their gratitude and appreciation.

Giving her mind-blowing pleasure is a secret, that not everybody knows. It is an art. The art of pleasure, using this art you can create a situation where with each touch, you will send shivers of orgasmic pleasure soaring through her body.



Sheila Rose πŸ–‹οΈ

I'm passionate about helping individuals reach their full potential and experience the joy of meaningful connections. Follow me on Medium for practical tips.